
Posts Tagged ‘India Travel’

…Actually this is my first big adventure ever! On Friday I will be embarking on a terrifying 15 hr flight to India. I have never left the country and the longest plane ride I’ve ever been on was about and 1.5 hrs. and I was not fond of it then. However, I am BEYOND excited to be going to India!!! I had never really thought about traveling much and certainly never while in school because it just wasn’t part of my lifestyle at home (I’ve never even been on a family vacation). So when this opportunity came to my attention, I never thought it would become a reality. I feel to incredibly lucky to be going on this trip and I know it will be filled with many, many experiences, memories and lessons that will most definitely be life changing. I cannot wait for it all to begin 🙂

The reality of actually going to India hasn’t really set in, even though we leave in less than 2 days. I think it won’t be real to me until I’m on the plane, or until we’ve landed and I have survived the plane ride (haha). I’m very excited but I’m also a worry-wart so to me, nothing is real and solid until I can actually see it for myself. Therefore, all my excitement may come bursting out when we land in India (fair warning to everyone on the trip—haha).

I can’t wait to visit India because for the past 2 years I have been studying the culture and it’s people through various SU courses and by new Indian friends who have graciously answered my never ending supply of questions and curiosities (thanks for that guys!). It has opened my eyes up to a whole new world that I truly respect and admire in many ways. I can’t wait to actually be a part of it and experience this once in a lifetime opportunity.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain ~

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